วันอังคารที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

How to Start a Magazine in 6 Steps

Starting a magazine is not as hard as you would think. I have started several myself and successfully published them for years. Make no mistake, it is hard work, but if you can meet a few key requirements you can get your magazine off the ground.

What are those few key requirements?

Professional Photo Printers

1) You need some money to do this - Every firm start up needs some capital and magazines are no different. How much do you need? As wee as a few hundred dollars will work (not along with your printing costs) to get your first issue on the streets and/or news stands. For a projected higher end book, you will need thousands of dollars dependent on what shop you are entering and how big you are going right off the bat. The key will be to learn the skills you need to issue and do the tasks yourself rather than hire an office full of workers and payroll (I will hit on those skills in a wee and talk more about cash in a minute).

2) tool - At least one good computer capable of operating the assorted software you will need (Adobe InDesign and at least Adobe Photoshop), a good digital Slr camera like the Nikon D50 which runs about 0, a phone and a reliable vehicle.

3) The potential to sell - Magazines big and small run off of advertisements and yours will be no different. I cannot stress sufficient how foremost it is to have a solid sales strategy in place before you take on this project. I will talk more about selling further along.

4) Creativity - You can't survive without offering something new to your readers in an inviting holder and for this being creative is a necessity.

Step #1 - construct the Framework

You probably have an idea of what type of magazine you want to issue but from here you need to construct some basic framework. Pick a name for your magazine carefully, make sure you are not stepping on anyone's trademark by searching the Us trademark database.

Your website's domain name is also something to think when choosing your name. Crusade for open domains that match your magazine's name as closely as possible. It is okay to use a few sudo-odd takes on domains for magazines like magazinenameonline.com or magazine-name.com. Register your domain and contact a web amelioration firm that you like to start work on your magazine's new website. I personally like 22 Creative as they specialize in websites for magazines. Your website does not need to be awesome right out of the gate, just something professional that is clear about who you are and what your book is about - expect to spend everywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands here. A website is an valuable part of this process though, do not skip out on this one.

Okay, you have a name and a website, what's next? outline out what you are going to contain in your first issue by writing out an editorial outline. Fancy name but in reality, just write out what you want to feature, how many pages you want to devote to each item and how many pages for ads you want to stash away (this will be dependent on how many ads you sell for your first issue). How many pages should your magazine be? Two factors are in play here. One is the cost of printing the magazine as it costs more to print a bigger magazine obviously, the second is how much editorial can or do you want to produce? You do not need a 100 page book your first go colse to so, dependent on what your competitors are doing, aim for colse to 50 pages for a local or lifestyle magazine and 90+ for a magazine you want to distribute on national news stands.

Step #2 - It's Time to yield Content

Contrary to beloved belief, you do not need an army of 'journalists' to issue your first issue. I have produced article for hundreds of magazines by myself or with the help of just a handful of people, it is not that hard.

Start with item whole one on your editorial outline. Write your text first, production sure to succeed basic guidelines for writing editorial (Google Crusade it for tons of help). Have friends read the copy and get their honest opinion. Did you lose your readers attentiveness at any point? Are your facts correct? Do you have any typos?

A picture is worth a thousand words literally. People like pictures, big, colorful pictures and lots of them. Decide on how many pictures you need for the piece and either or not you can take the photos yourself or if you need to buy them/license them from a stock photo service. If you can take them yourself, head out and start snapping. Take clear, in-focus images and take lots of them. You do not want to have to go back and re-shoot anything because you did not get the shot. Also, set your camera to take 300dpi images, general smaller resolution images will not work and will look pixilated in the final product - nothing comes off as more rookie than low-res photos in magazines. Remember if you have any People in your photos, get them to sign a 'model release' allowing you to use their image in your publication. If you need to buy an image from a stock photo website, make sure you buy a 300dpi image that is favorable for printing. Expect to pay everywhere from - for each photo, if you encounter a website that charges more, you would be over paying.

After you have knocked your editorial out, sleep on it and go over it yourself. Is it good? How many magazines have you seen that all regurgitate the same tired 'electronics features' of iPhones and some silly anything that not many People care about? Lots. You have to have a new take on things if you want to see issue whole 2, 3, 54, etc.

Step #3 - Start Selling Ads Yesterday

New publishers often fall into the trap of just focusing on the creative side of the magazine and not the sales. As an independent publisher, you have to wear both hats. Start by putting together a media kit for your new magazine. A media kit is a join pages, printed out that act as a resume for your magazine featuring all of the details of who your magazine is for, how many you print, your distribution tactics, what ads you offer and how much they cost, etc. In the beginning most of your sales will not be because of your media kit, this is just an valuable thing to have to leave with prospective advertisers. I could go on and on about how to sell ads for new magazines but if you read it, you would have to send me a pretty big check as that is closely held data by all in the industry. What I can tell you is start with a plan; call on advertisers that make sense for your magazine. It is a waste of time to try and sell an ad to Budweiser if you are a new magazine that is about quilting - it's just not going to happen. Put yourself in that firm owners shoes, would you think it?

Now is not the time to get rich quick. You want to sell ads to pay the bills and hopefully recoup your venture and live. That means price your ad offerings in reality. For an idea of what reality is, try and find out what similar magazines in your shop are charging. Do not go to low on your pricing however, believe in the value of your magazine - giving it away free practically guarantees future failure. I know of one magazine that just kept throwing money at itself, beginning in new markets without first being profitable in one and to appear successful, they gave away their ad space. A join years later and it is coarse knowledge in the media buying business that no one pays for ads in that magazine ever. If a inherent advertiser says they want it for less than you want to sell it for, pass on them politely and come back to them in a few months after you can prove a stronger value to explicate your rate card.

Most importantly, offer value to your advertisers. There are a gazillion separate ways to do this but it all starts with you delivering a strong, readable publication on time. The old under-promise and over-deliver adage works well here.

Step #4 - Layout Time

It's crunch time. Layout is hardly ever pleasurable, my first issue I ever designed took me about 72 hours of work with about 6 hours of sleep in that duration - not exactly what I call an awesome good time. Make sure you know how to use your software Before you need to start laying out your pub. Pretty much the whole free world uses Adobe InDesign to layout their magazines. It is a reliable and easy to use program that will run you about 0 unless you can find a deal. You should seriously think purchasing one of Adobe's Creative Suites that bundles InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. Those three programs will take you everywhere you want to go in publishing as I have been relying on them for years. Yes that is some costly software but is valuable and well worth the money if you are serious about doing this right.

If you flip through a random magazine here and there, you will observation that a lot of them have an inconsistent layout throughout the book, meaning that the fonts and styles convert every few pages or every story. If this appeals to you knock yourself out, just know that it is not a good practice to follow. You need to aim for a balanced flow with your layouts. The first page of article should be very close to the last page and not stray too far in between. Use a text font at or above 8 points and never smaller. Don't forget those pictures, lots and lots of pictures. Learn to use Photoshop to clean your photos up. I have spent at least 60 seconds with every photo I have ever settled in a magazine layout - it is a crime to run photos with zero post work done on them, just a straight up crime.

I won't go into an InDesign tutorial, plentifulness of People have done that good than I can before.

What you need to finally do is end up with a Pdf file for each page of your magazine that you will give to your printer. Name each file a accepted p01_Name.pdf. Covers will be labeled C1, C2, etc. You will have the choice to view proofs of your files before your printer fires up the press to start your job (a big chunk of what you are paying them to do). Always look at every proof of every page; once it gets put on a plate and starts laying down ink, you are locked in.

Make sure you are happy with your printer. If you do not have a printer to print your job, start by talking to Las Vegas Printing to get a quote on your job. I recommend getting your complete magazines carton packed rather than skid packed and wrapped in plastic as this practice guarantees a percentage of waste due to not protecting the magazines on the surface of the skid.

Step #5 - Distribution Time

If you are beginning a magazine that will have National or a large ranging distribution, head straight to one of the two major magazine distributors. I won't name them because they, in my opinion, make it very difficult for start ups to get in the game. I will leave it at that.

If you are beginning a locally distributed magazine, read on. Yes there are services that offer to distribute your magazine for you, they will do a poor job and charge you and arm and a leg for the privilege. Distribution is paramount. If no one sees, picks up or reads your magazine then it is just a waste of time, money and trees. A major part of your focus should be dialing in the best distribution strategy possible. Do not just toss magazines in front of stores, bars, etc. And expect them to take the time to place them out in a neat fashion - they will end up in the dumpster out back. Do your own distribution. Personally ask permission from each distribution spot, not only is this the right thing to do but it is a great way to get your name out there and meet a few inherent advertisers.

Step #6 - Do it again, and again and again

The process never stops in the magazine game, it is a fight at all times. There will Always be strong competition, new People looking for their share of a shop and times where you feel like you are the only person that reads your magazine. But if you do not fight at all, it's a guarantee that you will not win. Good luck!


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

What? You Haven't Got a quality Statement?

What's a capability Statement?

As the name suggests, it tells inherent clients what you, or your organisation and staff are capable of. It highlights what your time to come capability is and reflects on your past successes.

Professional Photo Printers

These are usually produced as brochures or booklets and are now increasingly appearing in online formats eg, Html, Pdf and self-executable ebooks. (The Entrepreneur Magazine section of "The Weekend Australian" of 25 Feb 2005 ran an record advising that legal and other professional firms are now using electronic media for their capability information). Include your logo, corporate colours and graphics so that your shop develops corporate identity and branding recognition.

Some organisations and individuals prefer to call them Corporate Brochures, Organisational Profiles, Prospectus' etc. This seems to be the preferred terminology and is, in my opinion, more correct and descriptive.

The good capability Statements produced as printed documents are graphics intense, professionally laid out and attractively produced on hiqh capability papers. The simplest form can be produced in black and white or colour on a cheap laser or inkjet printer.

Why have a capability Statement?

When prospective clients enquire about your services or products, you send them a capability Statement. If they visit your Internet site and don't want to spend time reading about you and your organisation, they can download your file and read it when more convenient.

Clients may pass it to others when recommending your services. You can send one with your proposals, publicity materials, and on other occasions when the opening presents.

Clients may have dealt with you for years, but only buy the same service. They may have no idea you also furnish other services they could use. It spells out what you can do in expanding to what you do for them now.

If you don't tell citizen what you do, how can you expect them to call you when they want something done?

What's in a capability Statement?

It's not a dumb question! There are two trains of thought. One suggests that it should be chock full of verbage about how you can help your clients or prospective clients. The other view is that you simply tell them what you can do and let them decree either they want your services.

The latter selection would suggest you Include the following topics and any others you feel are relevant, not necessarily in the order shown:

History: When did your firm activate operations and what has it done since commencement? (Keep it very, very short and succinct)

What You Do: What can you do for clients or what do you sell? Do you need any special accreditations, certificates or licences to do what you do? If so, mention them.

Our Staff: Who is your staff and what special qualifications, experience, awards etc has each staff member got that will help you furnish services that are good than your competitors?

Your equipment or Resources: If you are renting training venues, hiring out equipment, or rely on resources to earn a living, place some photos in your brochures. As some smart fellow said, 'A photo tells a thousand words'.

Similarly if you have a special way of doing something, try to find evidence that supports it as being the best way, most economical, safest or whatever. For example, if you clean carpets for a living you'll need to use cleaning materials that don't cause fade, are not noxious, don't harm animals or plants, are environmentally kindly and so on. You get the drift.

Where You Find Us: Where is your office, venue, factory, or whatever? How does your client find you? Do you need to Include a map?

Contacting Us: Where can you be contacted by phone, fax, mobile telephone, letter, or email? Do you have an Internet site? Where?

Client Testimonials: You can place a list of your clients here under the heading 'Clients' or you can write to your clients and ask them to furnish testimony to the quality, cost effectiveness, or anything of your service. Any of your longer term clients may be willing to accept telephone calls from citizen who are inspecting buying your goods or services. If so, Include their palpate details so that inherent clients can talk with them.

While a few, considered chosen testimonials are good, too many can bog down an otherwise exquisite capability Statement. Don't make it look like a testimonial contest! Nobody will read more than five or six.

Finally ...

Once you have your capability Statement, either online, in hardcopy or both, make sure you have enough copies to circulate and a plan to upgrade it periodically so it remains current. After all, the last thing you want is for a prospective client to telephone you about a aid you no longer provide.

Copyright Robin Henry 2005 - 2008

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Atx Power contribute - The Simplest Way To heal It

I had stopped repairing Atx power furnish many years back due to the new one cost very cheap. It's not worth to mend it because the spare parts sometimes were much more high-priced than getting a new power supply. Searching for Atx power furnish spare parts was not easy as many of them you can't even find them on the internet. Not only that, many complicated and distinct designed by power furnish manufacturers had eaten up our precious troubleshooting time too because of we need time to understand how all these distinct designed power furnish work.

Some of the power furnish designs were using the Pwm Ic (Uc3842) and power Fet, some use the double transistors while some use only a single power Ic in the original side. Because of the manufacturers wants the make to be made into contract size, many secondary or even original power furnish circuit were build into a modular board (smaller board). This made troubleshooting even more difficult because many times the meter's probe can't reach to the testing point.

Professional Photo Printers

The real surmise why I had stopped repairing Atx power furnish was the behalf margin. If you fee to high the customers rather buy a new unit with one year warranty given. If you fee too low, you may end up in the losing side because of the components replaced, electricity and etc. If you fee reasonable, the behalf margin gained can't even cover your time spent on troubleshooting it. I'm here not to discourage you to stop repairing Atx power supply, any way if you have the time, have contacts getting cheap power furnish components, easy to way many power furnish schematic diagrams and etc then you may go ahead to mend it.

Okay back to the article, one of my customers had asked me to mend his Atx power supply. I told him to get a new one (since it was very cheap) but he said he couldn't find one that suits his customer's Cpu. He wanted a power furnish that is either same size or smaller then the original one with same or higher specification but all he could find was a suitable size power supply!

As a favors to my customer, I would do my best to help him to mend the Atx power supply. When the power furnish was switch on, measurements were taken. The results were over voltage. The 12 volts line shot up to 13 + volt and the 5 volts line became 5.6 volts. After the casing was removed, I found the inside was very dirty and I used a vacuum cleaner and a brush to clean off the dirt. Then I saw four filter electrolytic capacitors had bulged at the top casing.

As you know, we as electronic repairers can't just see things at only one side; we have to see the other sides too. What I mean was, try to see if there are any suspicious components that contributed to the failure of the power furnish such as broken components, dry joints, loose connection, decay glue and etc before start checking the suspected area.

What I saw was at the original side there were some components covered with decayed glue as seen in the picture. I have to considered remove it by scrapping off the layers of the decayed glue while preserving the outer layers of the components. Once it was done, I clean it with the Thinner solution. Decayed glue could cause serious or intermittent question in electronic equipment because it can be conductive.

If you mend any Atx power supply, make sure you check the fan too because some power furnish failure was due to heat caused by a faulty fan. The purpose of the fan is to suck out all the heat generated by the components inside the power supply. In order for the fan to run smooth, you can service it by using a Philips oil base spray as shown in the photo.

Once the four electrolytic capacitors were supplanted and the decayed glue removed, I then have to plug it into a junk motherboard together with a hard disk to test the operation of the Atx power furnish and quantum all of its output voltages. It seems like the output voltages were back to normal. Once everything is okay I then test it in a working Cpu to check for the display.

The surmise I test it with a junk motherboard first as a way not to cause my good motherboard to go bad just in case if the output voltages is still very high. Great safe than regret later. By the way you can't test a power furnish without load otherwise it may turned on for a while and then shut down. If you do not have a junk motherboard you can always at least associate a hard drive and a wire jumper to its connector to turn on the Atx power supply.

Do you know that most Atx power furnish is using dual schottky barricade rectifiers to turn the ac wave into Dc voltages? Even in Lcd Monitor power supply, a dual schottky were used in the rectification too. For your information, checking schottky diode is distinct from checking a normal diode. With analog meter set to X10 K ohms, it should show some leakage reading when doing the reverse bias test. If this component becomes faulty it is very easy to get a replacement, of procedure you have to get one with the right specification. That's all for today, hope you enjoy the narrative and come back more often to check out for any latest mend techniques that I'm going to share to you.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Why Professional Photo Printing Is a Necessity for Phenomenal Photos

Why Professional Photo Printing Is a Necessity for Phenomenal Photos
Before I got into the business of photo printing, like most people I did not truly understand the inequity between professional photo printing and inkjet or other types of photo printing. By teaming up with a professional photo printing company, I hasty learned the contrast between the two. And boy what a dissimilarity it is! This has become so very notable to me, and I hope that by explaining what sets professional photo printing apart, you will fraction my enthusiasm.
Very few people understand what is meant by professional photo printing, particularly true photo paper processing. Kodak Endura proper photo paper is a high quality, long-lasting paper that creates improbable photos by exposure to light and silver halide processing. No matter your skill level, once you gaze your photos printed on staunch photo paper, you will never want them printed any other arrangement again.
So How Does This Process Work?
To spare you a lot of scientific jargon, let me give you the basics. The photo paper is exposed to light from a laser light. The exposure stimulates chemicals in the paper by covering it with very tiny diamond shapes. They overlap so that there are many diamonds all over the paper. The paper then goes through a warm RA4 chemical bath to stimulate as well as seal the colors. Due to the light sensitive paper, it is quiet loaded in a darkroom. The machines are also adjusted with every unusual roll of paper to get determined color quality is always consistent. Therefore, the colors in your photos will match the colors in all photos in the future as well. This is particularly gigantic if you sell reprints of a photo.
Why Should I Care?
Professional, loyal photo paper processing is a process weak to accomplish the photos of many professional photographers. When you have a professional photographer shoot an event such as your wedding or you have portraits made, they more than likely have the photos developed using this process. The intensity and depth of color created by the diamonds is so gracious that it's crazy to even compare these photos with photos made using inkjet processing. They have astounding neutral and dim duplication as well. Unfortunately, a lot and I mean MOST of the places that people pick up their photos printed are not professional photo printers and spend inkjet to print your priceless photos. Even some professional labs that explain photos to light using this process unruffled employ inkjet or press printing as well. So get positive that you ask how your photos will be printed before you settle on a professional lab or where you want to print your photos!
Kodak Endura media is held to an extremely high standard. Professional Kodak Endura proper photo paper and media go through meticulous assessments to ensure a consistently sterling product. Kodak makes determined that their products meet the highest standards in many areas including color, reproduction, and post processing.
How Long Will They Last?
Kodak Endura exact photographs will last over one hundred years before they open to go if they are displayed. When stored in the dismal they will last over two hundred years before they open to travel.
The Bottom Line
You absolutely cannot beat the wonderful quality of Kodak Endura precise photos. Not only do they last forever, they have extremely bright color as well. Once you have your photos printed and processed on professional Kodak Endura actual photo paper, I can philosophize you that you will never have them printed any other device again.